See also: Membership – Club Layouts – Contact Us
The Club

The Railway Modellers’ Club of Queensland (Mens Shed) inc. is an Incorporated entity (I.A. 009526) and a not-for-profit community organisation which aims to:
- Promote fellowship among railway modellers by providing a social environment in which people can meet to exchange ideas and information on the craft of railway modelling,
- To assist and guide in methods of building and operating model railway equipment and prototype practices,
- To advance the hobby of railway modelling when and where possible by publications, meetings and other things necessary or incidental to the foregoing purpose,
- Support and promote the aims, practices and standards of the Australian Model Railway Association (AMRA), National Model Railroad Association (NMRA) whilst maintaining a close working relationship with the Southern Cross Model Railway Association (SCMRA).
Monthly Meetings
Monthly meetings / gatherings are held at the Clubrooms on the second Saturday of each month, exhibitions permitting. There is a free sausage sizzle at 12:00 AM and an informal meeting at 1:00 PM. Our aim is to have a brief information session from the committee. The gathering is sometimes followed or proceeded by a talk or clinic giving instructions on such modelling topics as weathering, soldering, electrics, scenery methods, track laying, ballasting, etc. which may cover all facets of the hobby, drawing upon the particular knowledge of club members in their area of expertise.
The Railway Modellers’ Club of Queensland (Mens Shed) inc. is an Incorporated entity (I.A. 009526) and a not-for-profit community organisation which aims to:
Running Sessions
Club-wide running sessions are conducted on most Wednesdays (9 AM – 12 Noon) and Saturdays (9 AM – 2 PM).
The large clubrooms have been built on two blocks leased from the Moreton Bay Regional Council. This facility is available for use by members and their guests. The building is located in Buckley Park, 20 Terrence Road, Brendale, in the Pine Rivers Shire. The club’s layouts, workshops library and members facilities are housed in these premises. Tea and coffee making facilities, cold drinks, snacks and light lunches are available for members and their guests.
After 6-months membership, members may request their own key and alarm code, allowing them to use the club facilities 24/7. On most days of the week, members arrive by themselves, in small groups or with their friends to run a train, read a book, socialise or conduct modelling activities.
Members who want to leave things at the clubrooms may hire a lockable locker for $10 per annum.
Management Committee
A Management Committee consisting of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Show Convener and a few Committee Members governs the club. This committee is elected yearly during the Annual General Meeting in September, and meets at 11:00 AM on the second Saturday of most months.
‘The Semaphore’ Online
Articles are periodically published to the members only area of this web site, which contain news and information on club activities, prototype news, modelling hints and articles. Submissions in the form of articles, reviews, modelling tips are most welcome.
There is also an online archive of many years worth of the previous monthly PDF version of ‘The Semaphore’ which available to club members through the members only area.
The Library
The club maintains an extensive Library of Magazines, Books and DVDs which are available to club members to browse at the Clubrooms or check out for viewing at home.
Scale/Gauge and Other Activities
The Club caters for all scales and interests and encourages all aspects of railway modelling. Our layouts are suitable for G, HO, OO, HOn3 and N scale trains. Members run a variety of freight and passenger trains from many countries. Details and photos of our layouts are on our Layouts Page.
We sometimes organise outings for club members and occassionally invite other clubs or organisations to visit us.
An annual awards and modelling competition is held in conjunction with a Christmas function on the second Saturday each December.