Produced by the Australian Men’s Shed Association and available wherever you get your podcasts or simply press play ▶️ at

In the latest episode:

  • Are You Bogged Mate? founder Mary O’Brien joins JPY as our special guest. John learns there’s a lot Men’s Sheds and Are You Bogged Mate? have in common – we know it’s important for blokes to get together to connect, to have a community of support and to have a few good mates that make it all worthwhile.
  • On the Tools is in the garden with Sabrina Hahn. You might recognise the voice behind the mic from elsewhere on the airwaves. Sabrina’s got some great tips for getting your hands dirty during autumn.
  • Shedder in the Spotlight Max Wood joined the Leongatha Men’s Shed (VIC) on the proviso that he didn’t have much time to commit to being part of running the shed. Well as the story has it, he’s been the president at the shed for about 8 years. Though he’s seen some trials and tribulations, Max’s sense of humour has got him through.
  • We’re On The Road with Ken Newton, Chair of the Australian Caravan Club. Ken’s got a wealth of experience behind him when it comes to recreation vehicles, and some great tips for both the novice and the expert grey nomads.
  • AMSA’s Men’s Health Project Officer Stuart Torrance has his finger On The Pulse of hearing in the shed. Stuart spoke to Soundfair CEO Caitlin Barr about making shed environments friendlier for members with hearing loss.
  • And Rip, well he’s getting musical!
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